Hello world!

I guess I should start by introducing myself. Hi, I’m Charlie. I’m a 15-year-old British girl who has finally started blogging for serious. I’ve been lifestyle blogging on tumblr for about 6 months but I decided to move onto here simply because it’s a better format and it just seems a lot easier, plus I just didn’t really seem to be able to organise it the way I wanted and it just ended up becoming really difficult to maintain.

I am determined to make this a long-term commitment because I have enjoyed blogging on tumblr. I plan to post at least twice a week and I will be posting mainly lifestyle, fashion and beauty based things but I’ll most likely ramble on about whatever springs to mind, not gonna lie.

So yeah. This is just a little introduction to what I hope becomes something amazing. I’m sorry it was so short, but something longer and better will be posted soon.

Charlie x

3 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Welcome my dear and trust me, blogging is so much fun! Good luck! I’m also new here like last week (: Pls check out my site bellarazzi.WordPress.com xx


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